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Fit and Proper Persons Test for mobile home site managers
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Please use this form to make a Fit and Proper Persons Test Application
Please note that you will need to complete the form in one session.
Please make sure you have all the required information before you start.
If you Exit the form part way through you will lose any information entered.
You will be asked to attach the following supporting documents:
Proof of your estate or equitable interest
Evidence of experience and competency in managing caravan sites.
Details of the management structure and funding arrangements for the site
A criminal record certificate for each individual responsible for the day-to-day management of the site
Reading through the form
If you wish to view a blank version of the form to look through before you start please use the button below.
Type of application
Are you applying as a sole trader/individual or on behalf of a partnership or company?
Are you applying as a sole trader/individual or on behalf of a partnership or company? mandatory field
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