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Small Business Rate Relief

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Who can claim Small Business Rate Relief?
From 1 April 2017 any ratepayer who occupies a single non-domestic property within England, where the rateable value is less than £51,000 will be entitled to the following relief.
Small Business Rate Relief Conditions
  • This application must be completed by the ratepayer or a person authorised to sign on behalf of the ratepayer. The means, where the ratepayer is:
  • A partnership, partner of that partnership.
    A trust, a trustee of that trust.
    A body corporate, a director of that body, and in any other case, a person duly authorised to sign on behalf of the ratepayer.
    NB: In the case of a Limited Company the application must be signed by a director.
    Please refer to the table on our website for the levels of Small Business Rate Relief entitlement.
  • Check your Rateable Value
  • The relief will be applied to the highest rateable value property, and only if the subsequent property has a rateable value of less than £2900 and the aggregate total of all the subsequent properties is less than £20,000.
    Businesses that add an additional property which would normally mean the loss of Small Business Rate Relief, will keep the relief for a maximum of 12 months on the original property.
    Further details of the scheme can be found on Small Business Rate Relief page.
    Ratepayers will only be required to apply for Small Business Rate Relief once between each revaluation of non-domestic assessments.
    An additional condition of entitlement is that the ratepayer must notify the Local Authority of particular changes in circumstances that may affect their
    entitlement to the relief, within 4 weeks from the date that the change occurred.
  • These changes are
  • Increases in the rateable value of a property occupied by the ratepayer which is not in the area of the Local Authority granting Small Business Relief; the ratepayer coming into occupation of any property which has not been mentioned in their application for relief.
    If your business ceases to be eligible on a day during the year in question, the relief will cease on that day.
    You must submit your application for the relief to the Council within six months of the end of the valuation period to which it relates.